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Brand name
Muscle maker grill
Muscle maker grill
Franchise Characteristics

Franchise Fees
20,000 USA

Royalty Fees
9 %

Marketing Fees
0 %

Investments Cost
25.000 KD

About The Brand
This brand specializes in healthy foods, but it has a distinctive taste because of its amazing sauces that are high in protein. Also, the menu is varied in many American, Italian, Mexican and Chinese dishes.
هذا البراند متخصص في الاكلات الصحيه ولان ذات الطعم الميمز بسبب صلصاته العجيبه و العاليه بالبروتين.وايضا تنوع المنيو بالعديد من الاطباق الامريكيه والايطاليه والمكسيكيه والصينيه
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